
A little bird
April 28, 2012, 12:30 am
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Some type of bird that I fail to identify has made a beautiful next on top of the lamp hanging from the front porch ceiling.  It is a grayish bird, though not a mocking bird who has crafted a natural work of art from moss and horse hair and God knows what else.  She has patiently sat on her nest for a few weeks disturbed only by our comings and goings through the front door. I think her efforts have been rewarded as it seems the baby/babies have hatched.  I am unsure how many little ones are up there because I wish to keep the nest as undisturbed as possible but the mama seems to be feeding them occasionally and she is up there a lot less- hunting for food I suppose.

We are in our last month at Black Cat Cabin.  We will be leaving at the end of May, two months and twelve days short of our year lease.  I admit the winter did me in.  I was so cold and miserable and it was a mild winter.  The cabin was at its finest a week ago in the mild weather with minimal bugs but it has already become uncomfortable again in the cooler weather.  To freeze while paying exorbitant electric bills (supposedly for heat) is far from an ideal lifestyle for me. I was eager to find a suitable place in town before air conditioning is needed and I did.

This evening we came home early and I sat out on the veranda gazing out at the emerald green fields.  Too few days have been spent this way, relaxing and enjoying the space for its finer qualities. I am sad that we have not used the farm to its best advantages but weather, distance from town and friends plus other obligations have had a great hand in that.

Our sublease renter “gets it” though.  She lit up when she came to see the cabin the first time and she is ready for the magic this place has to offer.  That pleases me greatly.

The Foundations of Mental Feng Shui
April 22, 2012, 4:46 pm
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The Foundations of Mental Feng Shui.

The Committee has Spoken: It is fine for women to call men
April 5, 2012, 2:26 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized



I was so intrigued by the whole “who should call whom” question that Suzy Weiss raises in her blog that I put the question out on Facebook to expand my committee of advice.  I was wondering what people thought about this because Weiss has some interesting theories about men needing to chase women in order to be interested so women can get them to a place of commitment in the relationship. This is far from a new theory but when I was a child this was the pervasive thought (I also grew up in the South and attended a very conservative school-  you can see my yearbook picture on the 60 MINUTES episode from Jan 2, 2012 when my classmate, Eric Cantor, the super conservative Congressman was featured on the show.  I am on the far left of him, where I should be).

Upon reflection, it occurred to me that I did indeed call my second husband for our first date and he was so eager to commit to me that he proposed (the first time) only six weeks after our that date.

Go to this link to see the first round of FB comments on the subject of “Who should call Whom?”:…
As soon as I find my other FB comments (now buried under hundreds of posts) I will link them as well.
With the exception of one person, everyone said it was fine for a woman to call a man and many of the people who responded were married to or were the woman who called the man first.
I think desperation is a big turn off for men rather than the calling factor.  What do you think?